Reflexology for Sydney Children with Auditory Processing Disorder

Is reflexology for children with auditory processing disorder – as in a healing modality with efficacy?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a condition that makes it difficult for children to process and understand what they hear. The condition can make it hard for children to follow directions, learn new words, and understand complex information. While there is no cure for APD, there are treatments that can help improve a child’s listening skills and ability to communicate. One such treatment is reflexology. Reflexology is a therapy that uses pressure point massage on the hands and feet to relieve stress and tension. It is said to be beneficial for overall health and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore how reflexology can be used to help children with APD and CAPD.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine that involves applying pressure to specific areas on the hands, feet, and ears. It is based on the idea that these areas are connected to different organs and systems in the body, and that stimulating them can help to improve overall health.

There is some evidence to suggest that reflexology may be helpful for children with auditory processing disorder (APD). One small study found that it improved symptoms in a group of children with APD, compared to those who did not receive reflexology.

Reflexology is generally considered safe, although it is important to choose a qualified practitioner. If you are considering trying reflexology for your child with APD, speak to your doctor or healthcare provider first.

What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a condition that affects how the brain processes auditory information. It can make it difficult for children to understand and remember what they hear, especially in noisy environments.

APD is often diagnosed in school-aged children, but it can affect people of all ages. It’s important to note that APD is not a hearing problem, and people with APD can hear just fine. The disorder occurs because of how the brain interprets sound, not because of any problems with the ears themselves.

There is no cure for APD, but there are treatments that can help people manage the condition. One such treatment is reflexology. Reflexology is a healing practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. This pressure can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, even for babies.

Reflexology has been shown to be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. There is also some evidence to suggest that reflexology may be helpful for people with APD. A small study published in 2016 found that reflexology may help improve auditory processing in children with APD.

While more research is needed to confirm these findings, reflexology may be worth considering as a complementary treatment for children with APD. If you’re interested in trying reflexology, be sure to find a qualified practitioner who has experience working with children with special needs.

How can Reflexology help Children with Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to process auditory information. This can make it difficult for children with APD to understand what they hear, especially in noisy environments.

Reflexology is a type of massage that targets pressure points in the hands and feet. It is said to be beneficial for overall health and well-being. Some research suggests that reflexology may also be helpful for children with APD.

A small study published in 2016 found that reflexology may help improve auditory processing in children with APD. In the study, 22 children with APD were given either reflexology or no treatment at all. The children who received reflexology showed significant improvements in their auditory processing skills, compared to those who did not receive any treatment.

There is still more research needed to confirm the benefits of reflexology for children with APD. However, if you are considering reflexology for your child with APD, it is important to find a qualified practitioner who has experience working with children.

In another study which included a total of 277 infants and children, the only method used was foot reflexology. Regarding the results of nine investigated outcomes, reflexology was found to be effective in infancy for reducing pain level and regulating heart rate, for increasing oxygen saturation, for relieving infantile colic symptoms, and neonatal abstinence symptoms. Reflexology was also found to decrease spasticity and improve motor skills in children with cerebral palsy, but it failed to produce positive change in regard to constipation and quality of life. Four of the studies were performed in a nursing context, one in midwifery, and one in physiotherapy.

What are the Benefits of Reflexology in General?

There are many benefits of reflexology in general, but here we will focus on the benefits specifically for children with auditory processing disorder.

Reflexology is a holistic therapy that can help to improve overall health and well-being. It is based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet and hands that correspond to different organs and systems in the body. By stimulating these reflex points, it is possible to promote healing and balance within the body.

Reflexology is a non-invasive therapy that is safe for all ages. It can be used as a complementary therapy alongside other treatments such as speech and occupational therapies.

Reflexology has been shown to be beneficial for children with auditory processing disorder in several ways. It can help to improve communication, reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and focus, and promote relaxation. Reflexology can also help to improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue.

How to Find a Qualified Reflexologist in Sydney

If you’re looking for a qualified reflexologist in Sydney to help your child with auditory processing disorder, there are a few things you can do. First, ask your child’s doctor for recommendations. Then, check with the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) or the Reflexology Association of Australia (RAA) to find a list of qualified practitioners in your area. Finally, call around to different practitioners and ask about their qualifications, experience, and fees. Once you’ve found a practitioner you’re comfortable with, make an appointment for your child to receive treatment.

If you’re in Sydney’s inner west, then Doris Litzski a Strathfield reflexologist is very approachable and experienced with helping children as well as adults improve their minds, bodies and souls with reflexology. Call her on (02) 9747 2255.

What Media & Magazines like WellBeing Say About Reflexologists

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests reflexology can be an effective treatment for children with auditory processing disorder. Numerous media outlets and magazines, including WellBeing Magazine, have featured stories about the positive effects of reflexology on children with this condition.

One mother, whose son was diagnosed with auditory processing disorder, found that reflexology helped him to better process information and make sense of the world around him. After just a few sessions, she noticed a marked improvement in his ability to communicate and interact with others.

Other parents have also reported seeing positive changes in their children after starting reflexology treatments. One father said that his daughter’s speech improved dramatically after just a few sessions, and she no longer had trouble understanding what people were saying to her.

If you are considering reflexology as a treatment option for your child with auditory processing disorder, be sure to speak with a qualified practitioner who has experience working with this population.

Ensuring your baby has optimum bone health

The process of giving birth may seem and appear simple but there are quite a number of risks that come along with it. The whole process usually has a lot of strains and stresses not only to the mother but to the baby as well. That is why osteopaths for children and babies are required to help the infants go through this period with as much ease and comfort as possible. The most effective form of osteopathic treatment for babies and children is known as cranial osteopathic treatment and it helps relieve the symptoms of a wide range of conditions and will leave the toddler feeling relaxed, soothed and happy.

Signs of osteopathic problems

The stresses and strains experienced during labour may lead to unsettled behavior in the baby who may present difficulties in winding, bowel movements, feeding and sleep. If they are not taken care of at the early stages of life, the baby could suffer a variety of symptoms as they grow. An osteopathic check-up should be conducted immediately after birth in order to determine whether there are any potential problems that the baby may experience. Some of the bodily systems that may experience difficulties due to osteopathic problems include breathing and digestion.

How osteopathy is done

After birth, there is a lot of physical and mental development that a baby goes through. During the first few years is when the baby learns how to crawl, walk, run, communicate, and is usually keen to explore the surrounding environment and interact socially. When a baby does not pass through some of these milestones, it may be a sign of osteopathic problems and an osteopath is needed to examine and evaluate the child. Osteopathy is mainly concerned with the arrangement of body parts and their movements and therefore an osteopath’s duty is to locate the source of the problem. Once the problem is identified, the osteopath uses his/her hands to correct the malfunction. This is very imperative as movement disorders have profound effects on the functioning of all body systems.

Importance of osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy for babies and children is extremely useful particularly for correcting the aches and pains that newborns and young children experience but are not able to express. Cranial osteopathy works in a very unique way. Osteopaths have a very developed sense of touch and are able to feel subtle changes of tension and tissue quality. Using cranial osteopathic techniques, an osteopath is able to release tension and restore the body’s natural rhythm and balance.

How safe is osteopathy?

The major concern especially for new parents is whether osteopathy is a safe procedure for their babies. When performed by a well-trained and highly qualified pediatric osteopath, it is very safe and will definitely soothe and relax the baby, relieving overall discomfort and symptoms so that your baby’s natural healing mechanisms are restored. One of the main indicators that the osteopathy is working well for your child is sleeping really well. After treatment, all the tension and stresses that the baby had experienced before become a thing of the past and is now able to have a wonderful and peaceful time, either when playing or even sleeping.

What Are The Best Vitamins & Herbs For Healthy Teeth?

The human tooth is a vital part of any human being as they play a significant role. This, therefore, implies that to get the best results out of them, they deserve enough care and proper hygiene. A part of this care involves feeding on the best vitamins and herbs for durable enamels and gums. Complete Herbal Guide takes you through some of the best herbs and vitamins included in the category of preventative dentistry.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a vitamin that is mostly associated with proper eyesight. However, this vitamin is essential in maintaining a regular supply of saliva in the mouth. The vitamins also help in the maintenance of healthy membranes that coat the dentine gums and cheeks, thus making the two more susceptible to diseases and infections.

The saliva secreted is crucial in washing away bacteria and other solid food particles in the mouth. This vitamin can be obtained from carrots, oranges, and vegetables such as spinach, pepper, and collard greens.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C keeps the gum connective tissues healthy. When the teeth lack vitamin C, the teeth supporting tissues become week and loose, and can lead to the bleeding of gums and other gum diseases. Be sure to feed on sweet potatoes, peppers, broccoli, oranges, kales, and berries to get this vital vitamin.

Vitamin B

B vitamins are essential in preventing your mouth from oral inflammations and other oral sores. The sores can cause gum diseases if not treated vitamins are plenty in poultry meat, fish meat vegetables, and dairy products.


Iron is a mineral that helps in boosting the body red blood cells. The red blood cells allow the body immune systems to fight infections and disease, especially dental bacteria and germs.


Mostly found in toothpaste, fluoride is critical in preventing gum and tooth decay, as it aids in the strengthening of the enamel.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D allows us to absorb calcium, which is very crucial in the development of strong bones and teeth. Lack of vitamin D leads to underdeveloped gums and teeth. Vitamin D is found in calcium-rich food like fish and other dairy products. However, the cheapest way of getting the vitamin is by sitting in the sun.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is in charge of preventing periodontal diseases. It works by reducing inflammation in the mouth as well as being an antioxidant. The antioxidant property fights gum tissue oxidation elements in the mouth.

Apart from vitamins, herbs are also important when it comes to oral health. The great herbs included in the category of preventative dentistry include:


Neem sticks are used in keeping the mouth away from bacterial infections. Moreover, neem can reduce plaque and freshening the breath.


This herb heals wounds in the mouth as well as drawing out infections.


Echinacea is a cold-fighting herb that also reduces inflammation as well as boosting the system immune


Are toothaches preventing you from enjoying that yummy meal? Then myrrh is here for you. The herb relieves pain in less than a minute. Additionally, it heals, tightens, and cures bleeding gums.

Other vital herbs include sage, white oak bark, propolis, Oregon grape root, and goldenseal.

Parenting My Child Who Has ADP

Auditory processing disorder (APD) affects at least five percent of school-aged children around the world. This condition makes it difficult for them to identify the variations of sounds in words. Moreover, APD interferes with how the children process what other people are saying.

Parenting My Child Who Has ADP

The first time that I thought that there’s something wrong with my 7 year old boy was when I asked him to do a chore. A minute passes before he responded to my request and started on the task. I wondered whether he is having some kind of hearing problem, or was just preoccupied with what he was doing. This got me a bit concerned as I was a first-time mom. Days later, we went to a specialist.

I had my boy scheduled for a hearing test. But to my surprise, he passed with flying colors. Then the doctor suggested that I consult a different specialist as he suspects that my child has some kind of learning disability. And he was right. My kid was diagnosed with APD.

In all honesty, it is quite challenging to parent a child with ADP. I have to be extra patient, especially when instructing him to do things. More often than not, it takes time before my child processes and understands what I was saying. I always tell him that it’s okay; that his brain is wired differently. And that makes him special. As much as I want to protect him from this prejudiced society, he is growing up. He has to go to school and explore the world on his own.

Schooling and Socializing

I don’t know any learning centers that cater children with APD, so I had to enroll him at the local school. I’m quite thankful that his teachers are supportive of him. They always make sure that he is seated at the front. This way, he gets to focus with the lesson. Also, it helps him improve his lip reading skill, which I learned to be helpful for children with APD.

Children likes to tease, and my child was no different. His classmates make fun of him whenever he says something wrong, or interchanges words during conversations. Socializing is also challenging for my kid. He can’t keep up with all the fast-talking during group conversations.

Constant auditory training is helping him manage his APD. We also regularly perform exercises to improve his language-building skills. This being said, the best course of action in managing APD is through the cooperation of other people. The school is doing the best they can in helping my child deal with his disability.

Summer Checklist for Kids: 20 Activities Every Childhood Summer Should Include

Summer is the perfect time to spend a good amount of time with your children and engage with different activities to keep them active instead of leaving them alone to tend to themselves. Listed below are 20 activities every childhood summer should include.

  1. Going to the Beach

The beach is indeed quite a different experience compared to the local pool. Don’t miss this chance to bring your kids with you for them to swim naturally.

  1. Having an Ice-cream

During summer you are greeted with warm weather making it necessary to cool off. Having an ice-cream in a warm afternoon is a perfect remedy.

  1. Camping

You can teach your kids outdoor survival tips as you go spend the night in nature on in your backyard.

  1. Visit a Zoo

Kids feel quite excited with nature trips and a visit to a zoo does indeed pique their interest and attention allowing them to see a wide variety of animals.

  1. Fishing

Summer is the perfect time to fish and parents can spend the entire day teaching their children how to fish in a warm and sunny weather.

  1. Going to a Movie

Nothing beats a relaxing day seated in a comfy chairs and cool air conditioning at your local movie theater.

  1. Theme Park

Kids will surely enjoy their visit to a theme park with different rides and attractions to choose from.

  1. Skating

There are some ice skating rinks that are available all throughout the year making it possible to enjoy the activity.

  1. Sports Club

Summer is also the perfect opportunity to introduce children with to a new sport.

  1. Cooking

You can teach kids simple and easy recipes during summer such as pancakes, muffins, sandwiches, pizzas for them to enjoy.

  1. Bike Rides

Parents are able to enjoy riding bikes along with their children, teaching them how to maneuver them. Don’t forget to equip your kids with safety gear.

  1. Setting up a Picnic

Picnics are best done during summer because of the fine weather. Bring everything you need with your family and enjoy a fun afternoon in the park.

  1. Having a Barbecue

Eating in the backyard as you enjoy barbecue with your kids also a fun option and your kids can help in the preparation and cooking.

  1. Tending Your Garden

You can setup your lawn and bring different seeds for you and your children to plant keeping as they bring their shovel and pail with them.

  1. Paint the Picket Fence

As cliché as it sounds, painting the picket fence with your child is a great summer activity.

  1. Play Video Games

Spend a relaxing afternoon playing family friendly video games with your kids.

  1. Engage in Exercise

You can keep your kids fit and active by engaging them with exercise activities.

  1. Catch the Rain

Ok so this may look harder than it sounds especially since there are incidents where summer rarely ever get rain. However, if you happen to catch one, make the most of it by enjoying it outside.

  1. Visit a Museum

You need to take in mind the type of museum that you choose to bring them such as a science museum to avoid kids from getting easily bored.

  1. Watch Sports Games Live

You can bring your children with you to see a live sports game to get the full experience.