Auditory Processing Disorder Symptom Checklist

Auditory Processing Disorder or sometimes known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder can usually be first detected in early school age. This is because children at this age are expected to listen and interact accordingly. This condition, though, by no means affect just children. Some acquire the disorder in their pre-teen years or are diagnosed even later. More boys are diagnosed than girls. The significance is yet to be determined. Auditory Processing Disorder could sometimes be a result of ear infections or head injuries. An Auditory Processing Disorder symptom checklist can give insight if an audiologist needs to be consulted.

The level of disorder usually is different for every patient. Some who suffer this condition can go through life undiagnosed. They learn to compensate and use other means to cope with this difficulty. Here’s an Auditory Processing Disorder symptom checklist for when you suspect someone with this disorder:

  • Shows language delay 
  • Problems in distinguishing similar sounds
  • Excessively quiet as to not be engaged in conversation
  • Easily distracted
  • Bothered by loud noises
  • Increase in performance in quiet surroundings
  • Challenges in following directions
  • Noisy places throw them off guard 
  • Difficulty in following overlapping conversation 
  • Have huge problems in following instructions 
  • Recall and short-term memory lapses
  • Multiple speaker confusion
  • Spelling difficulty and word problems
  • Riddles and jokes are lost on them
  • Trouble with learning song lyrics 
  • Performs differently with verbal exams as opposed to written ones
  • Distinct delay in comprehension, often have to repeat information
  • Difficulty in verbal tasks
  • Barely any contribution to classroom discussions
  • Poor musical ability
  • Too literal interpretation

These are just some of the things one has to look out for in determining if a person has APD. If your child shows some or majority of these symptoms, it is in your best interest to see an audiologist and get an APD evaluation. This will not only determine if there is cause for concern, but also the extent and severity of the disorder. This could also rule out other possible conditions that exhibit and share similar symptoms like Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and autism.